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Butter, Butter, Butter

Butter ranks #1 on my list of favorite foods. I start my day by dumping a chunk in my coffee, I put generous amounts in my vegetables and of course, on bread/toast. I almost need to get a job to support my butter habit.

But not just any butter. My butter comes from local grass-fed Jersey cows. I skim the cream from the milk I buy each week and make my own (an easy process which you can find in a separate blog. I buy extra cream in the spring (and fall, if we’ve had good rains) and freeze enough to give me a good supply during the summer and winter, when the grass isn’t growing well, and the butter doesn’t contain as much of the fat-soluble vitamins. As you can see in the pic, this butter is almost orange. It was produced in the spring when we had good rains and is brimming with Vitamin A.

Butter is considered a saturated fat, but actually is only 40-60% saturated fat. It has been given such a bad name in the past 70 or so years as margarine and unsaturated oils took the spotlight. But, thankfully, butter is regaining its reputation and good, grass-fed butters are now available on our grocery shelves.

So, what are the benefits of saturated animal fat, like butter. The list is long. The major benefits are:

  • Integrity of all cell walls in our body – the membrane is at least 50% saturated fat

  • The fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, K in these foods are necessary in order to utilize the minerals we eat in our food. So, without saturated animal fat giving us these vitamins, we can’t absorb calcium for healthy bones. Vitamin A more easily absorbed and utilized from butter than any other source. These vitamins occur in large amounts only when butter comes from cows eating green grass, especially the rapidly growing grass in the spring and fall (if good rains). The high quantities of these vitamins give the spring and fall butter its dark yellow, almost orange color.

  • Enhances our immune system and protects us from viruses, yeasts and bad bacteria in our guts.

  • Lowers lipoprotein A (bad cholesterol) so decreasing risk of heart disease.

  • Protects our liver from toxins, like alcohol and Tylenol.

  • It is the best energy for heart muscle.

  • Butter does not need bile to be absorbed and quickly utilized for energy, making it a ready source of sustained energy that is easy on our digestive system. This also makes it less likely to cause weight gain.

Does this convince you to start eating good quality butter every day? It should.

If you have any questions of concerns about the validity of my writing, please do go to my Contact page and send me an email. I’d love to discuss it with you 😊


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